
The problems that an engineer might encounter in communicating information

22/02/2014 11:50

The problems that an engineer might encounter in communicating information


Engineering is the field, profession and art that relates to the acquisition and application of technical and scientific knowledge about the understanding, development, innovation and use of materials, machines and processes for specific purposes. Engineers need to be able to express their ideas orally and in writing; with the use of different sources and by engaging in extended experiments and discussions. Moreover, as with scientists, they need to be able to derive meaning from texts, evaluate and publish information, and apply it usefully. There are evidences that show that engineers have a narrow technical knowledge to communicate that information as a gradual process due to increased expectations in the profession. It is a concern of this essay to discuss possible problems that engineers might encounter.
Information problems particularly in the form of poor quality deliverable and sliding morale are the problem that an engineer might encounter. The goal of communication is to transmit information of a factual nature by explaining it. Meanwhile, there are barriers that an engineer needs to take into account such as knowing how much to provide and knowing how organized the information is to provide as well. Thus, an engineer must be creative in using multi-sense learning techniques and know how much to provide and organize information to maintain audience interest and get curiosity.
Persuasion of information influence both individuals and groups to accept a particular position or belief. In communicating information engineers might fail to be aware of the sources for ideas or information, also to take into account the clear understanding or the relevancy of the information to the audience and an intense listener focus to guide them into imagining how the proposed information or solution will be beneficial and to enlists the aid in implementing the proposed information by indicating what actions, individually and collectively, must be taken.
Also, there are ethic problems that engineers might encounter in communicating information which are related in applying established principles in developing new practice or experiment. During their experimentation and practice, new theories, mechanisms and strategies are discovered and are published. There is necessary to be aware of the legal and regulatory decisions behind the information. Therefore, engineers might be expected to put both sides of the argument before giving opinion and can expect to be challenged and asked to justify the opinion. In that case, people might complain or disagree with the statement depending in the people’s moral standard if there is no clear understanding of what the information means.
The engineer’s ability to read the audience in terms of information, persuasion and ethical problems and change strategies accordingly might impact the effectiveness of the transmission of information. Furthermore, there is wide evidence that proficiency in communication behaviours can make any engineer more inconstant to adapt and do many different function or activities and thus, more competitive through expectation of the new world.


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